Wednesday, February 3, 2010


On June 4, 2007 Dylan Royle Ayer was born. He was 9 pounds and 8 oz. and breech. That should have given us a warning about how his personality would turn out. He was such a blessing and a great addition to the AYER family. It was so fun watching Chase play with Dylan and telling everyone how much he "wuves his brother". Dylan was full of personality, vibrant and energetic. He’s very confident and knew what he wanted. He had the most infectious smile. He made everyone laughed with his antics. He was a character. Everyone in the Ayer family thought he reminded them of his Uncle Matt. He was very animated. He was beautiful and had the most gorgeous eyelashes.


  1. Dylan was deeply loved and will be terribly missed. I know he is in a beautiful place and I pray for those he has left behind.
    God Bless.
    guy violas

  2. I love him so much and i will miss him so much.
    Love, Jaimee Noel Johnson.

  3. Heather Carmichael has written well: "Please pray today. Tonight we will celebrate a life that will continue in Heaven but is so dearly missed here on earth." My heart hurts for this family. Mary C.

  4. dear dylan so glad you are apart of our family, we will miss you and love.. until we see each other again, i know your grandpa m) and your big cousin are having a great time with you.
